Adolescent Programs


Exercise can be a useful tool in helping adolescents understand how to express themselves physically. This in turn can help with verbal expression and interpretation of feelings and emotions being experienced. By simply telling someone you don’t want to talk, you have started a very important conversation that can be supported by counsellors, psychologists, your family GP and your exercise physiologist.

Adolescence is one of the most mentally and physically demanding times in our lives. Growth related aches and pains including Sinding Larsen Johannsson, Severs and Osgood-Schlatters are all growth related conditions that can cause pain and impact on teenagers ability to engage in healthy exercise. If managed well, the physical impact can be minimised and the important role exercise plays in mental health can be continued with modification.

Breathe Easy term-based program

This term-based program is designed to teach children and young adults how to use a combination of mindfulness and clinically prescribed exercise medicine to reduce stress, anxiety and mood disorder symptoms. It helps improve focus and physical and mental development. It also helps to improve resilience to physical and psychological challenges and improve day to day mindset. 

**This is a clinical program in which our Accredited Exercise Physiologists with GPS, psychologists and psychiatrists.

**Medicare and Private Health rebates apply, depending on referral pathway

To find out more call the clinic on (08) 9385 1430


  • 2 x sessions per week

  • 6:1 ratio supervision of clinically prescribed exercise program twice a week at The Exercise Therapist
    Cottesloe Medical Centre, 525 Stirling Hwy Cottesloe

  • Sessions run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 3:45 - 6:00pm.

Cost $349

Body Basics term-based program

A term-based program designed to develop knowledge and behaviours that give children the motivation and confidence to enjoy active lifestyles. Establishing active habits in children provides them with the skills to live happier and healthier lives. Exercise has also been clinically shown to improve academic performance in those who don’t engage in regular sports. The Body Basics group class is constructed and delivered by our Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP’s), and involves exercises aimed at enhancing the participants physical, cognitive, psychological and social development.

These programs are also offered as co-curricular activities at Scotch and St Hilda’s Junior schools. The school year groups offered are for 2-6 years. Please refer to school communications and or bookings in our shop for times and days.


  • 2 x sessions a week

  • 6:1 ratio supervision of clinically prescribed exercise program twice a week at The Exercise Therapist
    Cottesloe Medical Centre, 525 Stirling Hwy Cottesloe.

  • Sessions run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 3:45 - 6:00pm

Body basics participants may also join the S&C group classes if outcomes indicate.

Choose the two days that suit your child’s schedules.

Cost $349

Sport-specific strength & conditioning for athletic development program

Our athletic development program is designed to engage aspiring athletes. Over the 8 weeks they will learn clinically sound sports specific strength and conditioning practices and technique, positive psychology exercises and a deeper understanding of injury prevention and performance optimisation - working with our Sports Scientists and Accredited Exercise Physiologists.  


  • 2 x sessions per week

  • 6:1 ratio supervision of clinically prescribed exercise program twice a week at The Exercise Therapist
    Cottesloe Medical Centre, 525 Stirling Hwy Cottesloe

  • Sessions run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 3:45 - 6:00pm.

Cost $349

Program Type:
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St Hilda's Junior School - Body Basic's Program
Scotch College Junior School - Body Basics Program
from A$224.00
Group Training - 10 PACK
Single Class Pass - Group Training Sessions